Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis

The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis is an organization for professionals, parents, caregivers, educators, researchers and others who are interested in actively listening, working together, and sharing the field of behavior analysis with the community.

2024 ORABA Conference
Forging Connections: Fostering Lasting Change through Collaboration! 
Conference Dates: November 8th-9th 2024
Location: Downtown Portland Embassy Suites  



ORABA Statement on the Use of Electric Shock in Treatment of Individuals with Disabilities

Contingent electric skin shock (CESS) is an unnecessary tactic with possible long term harmful physical and emotional effects (Zarcone, et al. 2020). The use of contingent electric skin shock is inconsistent with the ethics rules of Applied Behavior Analysis and is outside of the scope of the practice of behavior analysis (BACB, 2020)...... 

Read the Full Statement